What will the stats be in 2024? With this costly affair
happening all around us, what can we do to repair relationships
rather than walk away when the going gets tough?
Here's an idea for even more successful relationships:
Effective Communication!!!
When couples are able to hold respect for each other while communicating
under pressure, listening to each other to repair what's broken,
the results can be astounding!
So here are some techniques to help you put out
the ‘proverbial fire' when things get heated:
1. Walk away. Yes, one of the best ways to avoid conflict going off the Richter scale is to take a pause and come back to it in a calmer state
(preferably after both of you have been fed and watered)!
2. Have the discussion in a neutral place. We misbehave more in our homes. Take it outside. Walk around the park, the lake, the beach.
Plus; nature helps to calm nerves!
3. Write it down. By sending each other a note with specific issues and concerns, it gives the other time to reflect and prepare responses,
rather than having impulsive/defensive reactions.
4. Listen…listen…and listen some more. You probably didn’t know your mom was quoting the Greek philosopher, Epictetus when she said:
"We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen
twice as much as we speak.”
As tempting as it is to rush to defend yourself when your other half has just unfairly accused you of something, resist the urge and instead say
"Tell me more" and listen to really understand.
(These 3 magic words can calm the strongest disputes!)
5. Get help. Invest in YOU. The cost of a therapist/coach/counsellor is a lot less than most divorce settlements (financially and emotionally).
We employ experts for other areas of our lives,
so put your marriage to the top of the list
and get some outside help for the inside struggles!
If your marriage is suffering,
here are 3 calls to action that may be helpful:
1. Grab this quick 90-minute read: The Ego Tango www.theegotango.com
or watch these short videos: The Ego Tango Playlist
2. Watch this video on active listening: bit.ly/ACActiveListening
3. Join me for my next skill building program ONLINE this April
from the comfort of your own home! Click here.
Good luck and happy Partnering!